Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Descriptive text about B.J.Habibie

The third President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Habibie Bacharuddin or the general calls B.J. Habibie, born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He is the fourth child of eight children, spouse Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Habibie, who is married to Hasri Ainun Habibie on May 12, 1962 was blessed with two sons namely Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.

Habibie childhood through with his brothers in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. Nature firmly adhered to the principle has been shown Habibie since childhood. Habibie, who had a penchant for this ride, should lose his father who died on 3 September 1950 because of a heart attack. Shortly after his father dies, Habibie moved to Bandung to study at the School Gouvernments Middlebare. In high school, he began to look outstanding achievements, especially in the exact sciences lessons. Habibie became a favorite figure in her school.

After graduating high school in bandung in 1954, he entered the University of Indonesia in Bandung (ITB now). He received his diploma from the Technische Hochschule, Germany in 1960 which then get gekar Doctorate from the same place in 1965. Habibie was married in 1962, and has two children. In 1967, became Professor of honor (Professor) at the Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Habibie steps much admired, full of controversy, many admirers but no less did not agree with him. Each time, winning the prestigious Theodore Van Karman Award, was returned from the "habitat" of Germany, he always made the news. Habibie's only a year studying at ITB Bandung, 10 years of college to Ph.D. aircraft construction in Germany with summa cum laude. Then worked in the aircraft industry leading MBB GmbH Germany, prior to the call of President Suharto to return to Indonesia.

In Indonesia, Habibie served 20 years of Research and Technology Minister of State or Head of BPPT, leading 10 state-owned company of Strategic Industries. On 10 March to 20 May 1998, he became a Vice President, and sworn in by Chief Justice to replace President Suharto. Suharto handed the presidency to Habibie on the basis of Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution. And on May 21, 1998 - October 1999, Jusuf Habibie Bacharuddin became President of the Republic of Indonesia. Until finally forced Habibie also stepped down from the refrendum East Timor chose independence. Accountability speech was rejected MPR. He went back to ordinary citizens, also migrate settled back to Germany. Some of his work in calculating and designing several aircraft manufacturing project are Military Transport Aircraft C-130 Transall, Hansa Jet 320 (Aircraft Executive), CN – 235 and etc.


• Nama: 김남길 / Kim Nam Gil
• Sebelumnya dikenal sebagai: 이한 / Lee Han
• Profesi: Aktor
• Tanggal Lahir: 13 Maret 1981
• Tinggi Badan: 184 cm
• Berat Badan: 70 kg
• Zodiak: Pisces
• Queen Seon Duk (The Great Queen SeonDeok, MBC, 2009)
• Terroir (SBS, 2008)
• Several Questions That Make Us Happy (KBS2, 2007)
• When Spring Comes (KBS2, 2007)
• Lovers (SBS, 2006)
• Goodbye Solo (KBS2, 2006)
• My Name is Kim Sam-Soon (My Lovely Sam Soon, MBC, 2005)
• Be Strong Geum Soon (MBC, 2005)
• Hand Phone (2009, cameo)
• Portrait of a Beauty (2008)
• Modern Boy (2008)
• Kang Chul Jung : Public Enemy 1-1 (2008)
• No Regrets (2006)
• Don’t Look Back (2006)
• Low Life (2004)
• 2009 MBC Drama Awards: Best Couple Award (bersama Lee Yo Won dalam The Great Queen SeonDeok)
• 2009 MBC Drama Awards: Male Excellence Award (Queen Seon Duk)
• Pendidikan: Universitas Myeong Cheon Ji
• Dia memulai kariernya sebagai Lee Han tetapi pada tahun 2008 Kim Nam Gil memutuskan untuk menggunakan nama aslinya sebagai nama panggung.

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

El Nino and La Nina

El-Nino will occur if the waters are more
heat in the middle and eastern Pacific increased temperature and humidity on
atmosphere that was on it. This incident led to the
formation of clouds that will increase rainfall in some areas
it. The western part of the Pacific Ocean increased air pressure so
causing impaired growth of clouds over the sea east
Indonesia, so in some areas a decline in Indonesia
rainfall is far from normal
Sea surface temperature in central and eastern Pacific become more
higher than usual at certain times, though not always.
The situation is causing La-Nina phenomenon. Pressure
air in the western Pacific region decreased equator, more to the west of the
Under normal conditions, causing the formation of more clouds and rain
dense in the surrounding area
El-Nino occurrence does not happen in a single but progress
sequentially post-or pre-La-Nina. The results of studies from 1900
until the year 1998 show that El-Nino has occurred as many as 23
times (average 4 years). La-Nina is only 15 times (average 6
years). Than 15 times La-Nina events, approximately 12 times (80%)
occur sequentially with El-Nino years. La-Nina-El Nino followed only
happened 4 times from 15 times that preceded the incident while the El-Nino
8 times from 15 times the incident. In general, this shows that
opportunity for the La-Nina-El Nino is not so great. Genesis
1982/83 El-Nino years are categorized as El-Nino events are
not followed by a strong La-Nina.

Sejarah Aksara Jawa Legenda Hanacaraka

Sejarah Aksara Jawa Legenda Hanacaraka

A. Sejarah Aksara Jawa Legenda Hanacaraka Aksara Jawa Hanacaraka itu berasal dari aksara Brahmi yang asalnya dari Hindhustan. Di negeri Hindhustan tersebut terdapat bermacam-macam aksara, salah satunya yaitu aksara Pallawa yang berasal dari Indhia bagian selatan. Dinamakan aksara Pallawa karena berasal dari salah satu kerajaan yang ada di sana yaitu Kerajaan Pallawa. Aksara Pallawa itu digunakan sekitar pada abad ke-4 Masehi. Di Nusantara terdapat bukti sejarah berupa prasasti Yupa di Kutai, Kalimantan Timur, ditulis dengan menggunakan aksara Pallawa. Aksara Pallawa ini menjadi ibu dari semua aksara yang ada di Nusantara, antara lain: aksara hanacaraka , aksara Rencong (aksara Kaganga), Surat Batak, Aksara Makassar dan Aksara Baybayin (aksara di Filipina).
Profesor J.G. de Casparis dari Belanda, yaitu pakar paleografi atau ahli ilmu sejarah aksara, mengutarakan bahwa aksara hanacaraka itu dibagi menjadi lima masa utama, yaitu: a. Aksara Pallawa Aksara Pallawa itu berasal dari India Selatan. Jenis aksara ini mulai digunakan sekitar abad ke 4 dan abad ke 5 masehi. Salah satu bukti penggunaan jenis aksara ini di Nusantara adalah ditemukannya prasasti Yupa di Kutai, Kalimantan Timur. Aksara ini juga digunakan di Pulau Jawa, yaitu di Tatar Sundha di Prasasti tarumanegara yang ditulis sekitar pada tahun 450 M. di tanah Jawa sendiri, aksara ini digunakan pada Prasasti Tuk Mas dan Prasasti Canggal. Aksara Pallawa ini menjadi ibu dari semua aksara yang ada di Nusantara, termasuk aksara hanacaraka. Kalau diperhatikan, aksara Pallawa ini bentuknya segi empat. Dalam bahasa Inggris, perkara ini disebut sebagai huruf box head atau square head-mark. Walaupun aksara Pallawa ini sudah digunakan sejak abad ke-4, namun bahasa Nusantara asli belum ada yang ditulis dalam aksara ini.

B. Perbedaan antara aksara Kawi Wiwitan dengan aksara Pallawa itu terutama terdapat pada gayanya. Aksara Pallawa itu dikenal sebagai salah satu aksara monumental, yaitu aksara yang digunakan untuk menulis pada batu prasasti. Aksara Kawi Wiwitan utamanya digunakan untuk nulis pada rontal, oleh karena itu bentuknya menjadi lebih kursif. Aksara ini digunakan antara tahun 750 M sampai 925 M. Prasasti-prasasti yang ditulis dengan menggunakan aksara ini jumlahnya sangatlah banyak, kurang lebih 1/3 dari semua prasasti yang ditemukan di Pulau jawa. Misalnya pada Prasasti Plumpang (di daerah Salatiga) yang kurang lebih ditulis pada tahun 750 M. Prasasti ini masih ditulis dengan bahasa Sansekerta.

C. Aksara Kawi Pungkasan Kira-kira setelah tahun 925, pusat kekuasaan di pulau Jawa berada di daerah jawa timur. Pengalihan kekuasaan ini juga berpengaruh pada jenis aksara yang digunakan. Masa penggunaan aksara Kawi Pungkasan ini kira-kira mulai tahun 925 M sampai 1250 M. Sebenarnya aksara Kawi Pungkasan ini tidak terlalu banyak perbedaannya dengan aksara Kawi Wiwitan, namun gayanya saja yang menjadi agak beda. Di sisi lain, gaya aksara yang digunakan di Jawa Timur sebelum tahun 925 M juga sudah berbeda dengan gaya aksara yang digunakan di Jawa tengah. Jadi perbedaan ini tidak hanya perbedaan dalam waktu saja, namun juga pada perbedaan tempatnya. Pada masa itu bisa dibedakan empat gaya aksara yang berbeda-beda, yaitu;
1) Aksara Kawi Jawa Wetanan pada tahun 910-950 M;
2) Aksara Kawi Jawa Wetanan pada jaman Prabu Airlangga pada tahun 1019-1042 M;
3) Aksara Kawi Jawa Wetanan Kedhiri kurang lebih pada tahun 1100-1200 M; 4) Aksara Tegak (quadrate script) masih berada di masa kerajaan Kedhiri pada tahun 1050-1220 M

D. Aksara Majapahit Dalam sejarah Nusantara pada masa antara tahun 1250-1450 M, ditandai dengan dominasi Kerajaan Majapahit di Jawa Timur. Aksara Majapahit ini juga menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dari gaya penulisan di rontal dan bentuknya sudah lebih indah dengan gaya semi kaligrafis. Contoh utama gaya penulisan ini adalah terdapat pada Prasasti Singhasari yang diperkirakan pada tahun 1351 M. gaya penulisan aksara gaya Majapahit ini sudah mendekati gaya modern. Gambar 2.2 Prasasti Singhasari.

E. Aksara Pasca Majapahit Setelah zaman Majapahit yang menurut sejarah kira-kira mulai tahun 1479 sampai akhir abad 16 atau awal abad 17 M, merupakan masa kelam sejarah aksara Jawa. Karena setelah itu sampai awal abad ke-17 M, hampir tidak ditemukan bukti penulisan penggunaan aksara jawa, tiba-tiba bentuk aksara Jawa menjadi bentuk yang modern. Walaupun demikian, juga ditemukan prasasti yang dianggap menjadi “missing link” antara aksara Hanacaraka dari jaman Jawa kuna dan aksara Budha yang sampai sekarang masih digunakan di tanah Jawa, terutama di sekitar Gunung Merapi dan Gunung Merbabu sampai abad ke-18. Prasasti ini dinamakan dengan Prasasti Ngadoman yang ditemukan di daerah Salatiga. Namun, contoh aksara Budha yang paling tua digunakan berasal dari Jawa barat dan ditemukan dalam naskah-naskah yang menceritakan Kakawin Arjunawiwaha dan Kunjarakarna.

F. Munculnya Aksara Hanacaraka Baru Setelah jaman Majapahit, muncul jaman Islam dan juga Jaman Kolonialisme Barat di tanah Jawa. Dijaman ini muncul naskah-naskah manuskrip yang pertama yang sudah menggunakan aksara Hanacaraka baru. Naskah-naskah ini tidak hanya ditulis di daun palem (rontal atau nipah) lagi, namun juga di kerta dan berwujud buku atau codex (“kondheks”). Naskah-naskah ini ditemukan di daerah pesisir utara Jawa dan dibawa ke Eropa pada abad ke 16 atau 17. Perbedaan utama itu dinamakan serif tambahan di aksara Hanacaraka batu. Aksara-aksara Hanacaraka awal ini bentuknya mirip semua mulai dari Banten sebelah barat sampai Bali. Namun, akhirnya beberapa daerah tidak menggunakan aksara hanacaraka dan pindhah menggunakan pegon dan aksara hanacaraka gaya Durakarta yang menjadi baku. Namun dari semua aksara itu, aksara Bali yang bentuknya tetap sama sampai abad ke-20. Aksara Pallawa ini digunakan di Nusantara dari abad ke-4 sampai kurang lebih abad ke-8. Lalu aksara Kawi Wiwitan digunakan dari abad ke-8 samapai abad ke-10, terutama di Jawa Tengah[2].



Core material:
• The law of demand
• Law of supply
• Factors affecting demand and supply


1.Defininition DEMAND
As a student, you must have a wide range of needs such as writing books, reading books, pens, rulers, erasers, run, calculator, and so forth. Goods can be obtained by buying in market or on the market in the new academic year, students from elementary, junior high, high school, students would have even bought a notebook, or reading books, it is not
rarely if at the beginning of the year there is an increase in the price of books is greatly enhanced compared to the normal price, the price of books is usually Rp 2000, - to Rp 3000, -. Do you think the price increase like that is the amount of notebooks that will be purchased will be increased or decreased? Of course, it was reduced but not absolutely true because at a certain time even if prices go up people still buy these goods are like the example at the time of ticket price Lebaran, buses and ships increased rapidly but the people still buy these tickets.
Judging from the above cases we may conclude that there was a very close relationship between the amount purchased by consumers with a good price. The relationship between the two is called a request. Demand is the number of goods and services to be purchased by the buyer at the price level prevailing at a particular time and place.
Demand here is classified into:
a. Demand seen from consumer purchasing power is 3, namely:
? effective demand
consumer demand for goods and services coupled with purchasing power.
? Request Absolute
Demand is not supported by purchasing power, but only by the imagination. Example of a high school kid who wants to buy a laptop for $ 7,500,000 but he did not have the money to buy it.

? Potential Demand
Requests that will be realized with the amount of money owned. For example a mother who only has money 15,000. he wanted to buy clothes for her 6-year-old mother was so looking for clothes that fit with the money he has.
b. Demand in terms of income
? Consumer demand are all members of the public demand for goods and services to meet the needs life. Examples are buying food.
? Employers demand is the demand for factors of production to create goods or services. An example of a company to buy bread flour for making bread.
? Government demand is the demand by government for government expenditure. An example is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
? Overseas demand is demand for goods and services coming from abroad are examples of export goods.
c. Demand seen from the number supplier.
? Individual demand is the demand coming from someone to make ends meet
Individual demand is determined by the following things:
? Price
Price is the main factor that affects a person in buying a product that produk.jika price increases, consumer more it will try to reduce the purchase of the product.
? Revenue
If income increases the demand usually increases, but if someone has a declining income or even removed from the job and has no income then we will reduce our demand.
? If other related items.
If other related items has decreased then the people will choose the goods than the goods will be purchased. For example, the price has decreased then people will choose to buy rather than buying the usual coffee drink.

? Taste
If a student likes fried bulb, then he will buy the bulb portion of fries in a lot instead of buying sweets.
? Expectations
Expectations were very influential in one's intention to purchase any goods or services as an example is if you estimate that the price of a shirt will have a massive discount at the end of the year so you do not want to buy clothes now.
d. Market demand is the demand that is owned by the public in the same time

In the law of demand explains the nature of the relationship between the demand for an item with its price level. The law of demand states that the lower the price of goods so much more request. Conversely, the higher the price of goods less demand for goods that apply. Law other circumstances or cateris paribus unchanged.
Close relationship between price and quantity demanded of goods delivery request legal sense, which reads: "the quantity of goods demanded is always inversely proportional to the price".
The law of demand applies when other factors besides price are the cateris paribus (remain unchanged). As for other factors that make up the ceteris paribus condition is primarily:
income levels of consumers
Number of consumer market
Consumers' tastes or preferences
Prices other items related
Usability goods
Purchasing motives are not based on prestige / self-esteem.
So the request of law enforcement is not absolute as in the physical sciences but only a tendency of course is a trend that was about to go on but the truth has not been established.

3. Establishment Demand Goods In Tables And Graphs
A list showing the relationship between the number of requests with different levels of prices at a certain place and time called demand schedule or table requests. While a graph that connects between the number of requests with different levels of premium price to the lowest price is called the demand curve

Table Request

Price per fruit
(P) Total Request Goods
(Qd) Total expenditures (Total consumer) (PxQd)
A Rp 80.000, - 2000 Rp.160.000.000, --
B Rp 60.000, - 2200 Rp 132,000,000
C Rp. 40.000, - 2600 Rp 104,000,000
D Rp. 20.000, - 3000 Rp 60,000,000

based on the image curve can be concluded:
- The demand curve means that a negative cycle if the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded will decrease and vice versa.
- The shape of the demand curve (ie a negative cycle mengusur right to left top to bottom)

4. Change Request

Request a person or a society to something of goods is determined by many factors. Among these factors are important in the change request is:
a. Price itself
If the item price increases more than half the original price the consumer will make a rethinking to consume these goods.
b. Related prices
Regard a particular item with other items in a substitution bias or komplomen. Example: If the pilot can be replaced with standler, then when the pilot experienced an increase in the price the consumer would prefer to have bolpoint standler fixed price and cheaper.
c. Taste changes
Greatly affect the changing tastes of consumers desire to purchase any item. In 1960, very rare 1n people even say there is no wearing Japanese-made cars. But in the 1970s the mood had changed a lot of people who use Japanese-made cars because their tastes have changed
d. Revenue
Income decreased Semangkin someone so semangkin little amount of demand. For example when a consumer's income rises and the prices of consumer goods will continue to buy goods with the stock number semangkin lot of venom.
e. Population growth in population
Number of population growth does not necessarily lead to increase demand. But population growth is usually followed by growth in employment opportunities. Thus the more people who receive this income and increase purchasing power in society. Increase the purchasing power is increasing demand.

After the above memebaca, analyze the following things:
1. differences in individual demand and market demand
2. Because the demand curve moves from left to bottom kekanan
3. For example currently you are an employee with a monthly salary 1,500,000. At the end of this month you are promoted to Staffing Manager salary Rp. 7,500,000.00 per month. Whether
This income changes alter your request? Explain by using the curve?
frodo baggin
19-06-2009, 06:02 PM

1. Understanding Bid

Demand is not yet sufficient condition to achieve in a market transaction. Demand will happen if the seller can provide the goods needed by consumers. At first, when the merchandise to the seller must sell really clever in offering his wares to buyers. Here is clear that the offer came from the seller. Offer a number of goods offered for sale at various price levels in a market at a particular time.
In bidding, bidding can be classified into two, namely
? Offer Individual
Offer Individuals are offering owned by a lord
? Offer large / Collective
Offer available in the market

Law of supply is a statement explaining the nature of the relationship between price and the quantity of goods offered by the seller. This law is expressed in how the desire of the seller to offer such goods if the goods that have a low price and if he also has a high price. Law of supply basically says that the higher the price of something good, many semangkin amount of goods will be ditawarakan by the sellers. Conversely the lower the price of goods will be little semangkin amount the item will be offered by the seller.
Law of supply apply if other factors besides price are cateris paribus. The other factors that shape cateris paribus is:
technology used is fixed
The seller does not need the cash price
The seller will not worry if one day the prices will come down
The number of traders and producers remain

Seller wants to offer goods at various price levels determined by various factors namely:
a. Production Technology
Technology used in production of originally intended to occur in the production efficiency. Semangkin means of modern technology that is used both quality and quantity of production increased by semangkin production costs semangkin suppressed.
b. Hopes the foreseeable dating
When the producers have thought that the goods produced from endangered the action goods producers are stockpiling it until at some point will get a big profit. For example, a seller of oil began to feel that oil is scarce so many sellers are hoarding oil and sell it at a great price because it needs an urgent community. But such acts are prohibited because of the same as that stockpiling could eventually harm the surrounding community.
c. Prices of production factors
Determine the production cost of a basic price of goods, thus the production cost change if the producers would reduce the amount of supply. But if the production costs low, there semangkin lots of goods and services to be offered by the seller.

4. formation Bid items in the table and graph
A list showing the relationship between the number of bids with different price levels at a particular place and time is called the supply schedule or table a bid. while a graph that connects between the amount bid by the price level of the lowest prices to the highest is called the supply curve.
Table Offer
Price per fruit
(P) Total Supply of Goods
A Rp.5000 600
B Rp4.500, - 525
C Rp4.000, - 450
D Rp 3000, - 300

Buzz (material for discussion ... ... ... ....)
By forming a group with a certain amount of the following discussion !!!!!!
If you're currently a major director in a company that produces sports shoes with Grace brand, whether the following things can affect the amount of production (supply) you?
1. The increase in the price of raw materials such as leather, glue, rubber, and yarn
2. The increase in wages because trade unions demanding salary increases 10%
3. find the latest shoe-making technology that could produce 1000 pairs of shoes a week, while the old technology can only menghaslkan 200 pairs a week.
frodo baggin
19-06-2009, 06:03 PM

Core material:
• Process of Price Formation
• The balance of the price changes
• Role of government

A. PRICE BALANCE (Eqilibrium Price)

In order for the transaction between buyers and sellers and, the demand and supply must reach the intersection. If the buyer offers a price too low, it will not happen if the seller also transaksi.demikian survive at high prices, the transaction will not occur, therefore, required an agreement between seller and buyer so that the purchase and sale transactions occur.
Problems associated with the price of economic goods, because of the economic goods and useful steps and sacrifices necessary to get money with the help of the price. Price is the embodiment of an exchange of goods / services stated money. Therefore, the price is the objective exchange value of goods / services and the exchange rate itself is the objective market price or equilibrium price. Market prices are not made automatically but through a process of market mechanisms attraction between the power demand and buyers with sellers with the power supply.
Based on the understanding that the equilibrium price can mean a price level that has been agreed by the buyers and sellers in the market. Price balances shown by the intersection of the demand curve which is the desire of the buyers and the supply curve is the will of the seller.
2. variety and Buyer Seller
Contacts in the market place between buyers and buyers who have the subjective price of each is different. subjective price is the price desired estimation by the buyer and the seller wants. Prices are influenced by subjective buyer purchasing power and intensity while the price of the subjective needs of the vendors affected by the cost of production, the nature of traded goods and the power of capital or financial condition.
Based on the level of subjective prices of buyers and sellers that it will distinguish the various buyers is as follows:
a. Purchasers Supermarginal
Ie buyers who have the purchasing power of commodity market prices and they have more willingness to pay the price of goods in the market or they receive a premium customer (consumer ren's). so that oaring high purchasing power.

b. Marginal buyers
Ie buyers who have purchasing power in accordance with market prices. The first seller to buyer in this group is still relatively effective
c. Purchasers Submarginal
Ie buyers who have purchasing power is lower than the market price so the buyer is an absolute one or absoulut.
While sellers are also divided into three is as follows:
a. Seller Supermarginal
Ie cost of production or prices lower than market prices. These sellers will get a premium producers because they are more efficient than others
b. Seller Marginal
Namely the cost or price of production equals the market price. The first seller is a seller out of business like this because these producers can not come to sell the market.

c. Seller Submarginal
Namely the cost or production cost which has a price below the price pasar.Penjual / producers like this can not participate for the selling market.

3. Market price formation process
As described above the market price is formed through a process of bargaining between the seller and buyer. In detail, the price formation process can you look at the following

? seller initially offers goods or services with high prices, while buyers to bid lower prices thus when each would not be unbearable buying and selling happens
? Therefore, the buyer incentive to raise hargatawarannya order to obtain goods or services desired. While the seller will lower the price for goods and services offered can be sold.
? Bargaining between buyers and sellers continue until it obtained the agreed price level on both sides of the price of goods or services demanded as the price of goods or services offered.
To clarify your understanding then consider the following table:
Table Request and Bid rice pulen X
The price of rice per Kg Request Offer Description
1 Rp5.000, - 0 600 Pros Offer
2 Rp4.500, - 75 525
3 Rp4.000, - 150 450
4 Rp 3000, - 300 300 Price Balance
5 Rp 2000, - 450 150
6 Rp 1500, - 525 75
7 Rp 1000, - 600 0 Pros Offer

? Pros Offer
Consider point D and point s1 Throughout s1 and d is excess supply. Excess The first occurs when the quantity demanded 0, while the quantity supplied 600.kelebihan second occurs when the quantity demanded and the quantity of goods 75 offered 525. Excess supply has forced prices down toward equilibrium.
? Excess Demand
Consider the point S and point S Throughout d1 and d1 is the first surplus occurs when quantity demanded and the number 600 has to offer 0. The second advantage occurs when the quantity demanded is 525 and the number 75 has to offer. This supply shortage forced the price up towards equilibrium.
Market equilibrium condition is a state that depends on the conditions of supply and demand prevailing at a particular moment. The market can only be said in a state of balance during conditions of demand conditions or whether kondissi supply or both change, then the market will cause prices to shift from the existing state of equilibrium to the new circumstances.
To understand this section, we will divide the balance of the price changes in three parts, namely as follows:
Equilibrium price changes caused by Demand Curve Shifts
In the following exhibit, the demand curve shifts to DD D1D1, while the supply is stable. Thus was formed the new equilibrium price at E1.

In the above circumstances, cateris peribus no longer valid because of a change in the factors affecting demand. New equilibrium price is established at the point of E1 are the result of a new request with a long quote. This is usually just a result of people's income aniknya.
Equilibrium price changes caused by shifts Curve Bid

In the picture above, the supply curve shifts down kekanan. SS starting position of equilibrium price E shifted to balance the price of S1S1 with E1. This shift could be the causes of membajirinyapenawaran goods in the market while demand at all ti.dak changed. These conditions forced the price falls from P to P1 this incident could have been caused by the presence of new players entering the market or technological advances that produced goods more.
Equilibrium price changes caused by shifts Curve Supply and demand
If supply and demand increases, one thing is sure there is an increase in sales. From the figure above, we can see jumlajh sales increased from Q to Q1. Created a new equilibrium price in E1 is higher than the previous equilibrium price (E.)
In this case, created a new price is greater than the original equilibrium price. This is due to new eprmintaan old price exceeds the supply at that price. This case is much smaller increase in supply resulting from increased demand equilibrium price.

Original condition, the intersection curve with SS DD generate initial equilibrium price at point E. Due to increasing demand and supply, the equilibrium price becomes E1sebagai intersection of the new request, represented by the D1D1 and the new bid represented by S1S1. but here the balance of the price decline. This is as a result of increased treatment is greater than demand.
In addition to market-determined through bargaining in the market. Price is also determined by government policy. The price set by the government are:
Minimun Price (lowest)
Is the minimum price limit imposed terndah price of a good.
Maximum Price (highest)
The maximum price is the highest price limit applies to an item.
Price Benchmarks Local (HPS)
Local benchmark price is the price imposed on an item for a particular area.

forms of market goods and input markets

Core material:
• Types and characteristics of goods markets and input markets
• Government intervention in price formation